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Guide to using Lorals

Every new product that comes on the market may need some explanation. MyLorals has been active in America for some time and has created a practical manual with tips for using Lorals based on customer questions.

Do you like to try something completely new? Then Lorals is a really nice product. We explain everything to you!

1. Unpack Lorals

If you're worried that the postman, your neighbors or the local post office will see what you've ordered, we can put your mind at ease right away. Lorals underpants are always sent discreetly. You can never see what's inside on the outside of the package or bubble envelope.

In the package you will find a small rectangular box, with four individually wrapped silky soft latex underpants from Lorals. A true gift for yourself. Each panties is folded small in 'Marie Kondo' style. The material of Lorals is 10x thinner than normal underwear. Unfolding the latex panties will take you a few seconds. When you feel the thin material, you immediately know that you can feel every touch through it.

Lorals latex underpants

2. How do you put on the Lorals underwear?

To put on the Lorals underwear easily, we recommend placing the waistband of the Lorals along the outside of both hands and stretching them out to both sides. Then you create space to step into the openings of the pants, then move your hands parallel up along your body to put on the pants.

Lorals come in two varieties: Bikini and Shortie. The material is very stretchy, so you can decide for yourself how much you want to cover. You can pull the shortie up high at the front to cover the belly extra or fold the top for a cool 'low-rise' look. If you opt for the Bikini variant, you can pull up the sides for an 80s style or leave them on your hips for a casual look. Both models cover part of your buttocks, or can be pulled in more so that it becomes more of a thong.

The instruction below from MyLorals shows in a very short video how to put on Lorals underpants (don't worry, you won't see any nudity in the video)

Watch the instruction video

3. Feel confident

Once you put on the Lorals panties, take a moment to absorb the feeling of Lorals. Maybe it seems like you're not wearing anything, touch your body and experience what you feel through the pants. Lorals are nice and tight around your body and may therefore press a little against your clitoris. That in itself is a nice feeling, even before the action really starts.

You can consider applying some extra lubricant to the inside of the bottom. At the clitoris, vagina or anus. Especially when you want to finger through the pants, that can be more pleasant.

Lorals silky soft latex underpants - Intimidation

4. Playing together with Lorals

Time to get your partner involved! One likes to make a sexy reveal of the Lorals underpants by means of a striptease. Others, on the contrary, like to attract the Lorals in front of their partner. It's entirely up to you. Lorals are made to enrich and not hinder the interplay with your partner.

Before you get started, we recommend nestling the Lorals between the folds of your labia and buttocks. That way you feel the most of your partner's tongue. Trust us, this is a 'wedgie' worth it!

Most oral techniques work great with Loral's panties. Discover together what you like and like.

Lorals Bikini latex underpants - Intimidation

5. Try something new

Loral's panties are perfect for expanding your oral repertoire. But only do this if you are behind it together and are ready. Give something you might not normally do so quickly a chance and take the time to discover together what you like. Trying new things can be very exciting, try to enjoy it together!

We provide a few tips and suggestions of things you could try.

  • Suck the clitoris in and out of your mouth like a lollipop. The Lorals material gives this technique an extra sensation.
  • Have your partner lie down and hover over their face. This gives you control over the amount of pressure your partner gives you during oral play.
  • Nibble through the Lorals on parts of the labia or clitoris. It's a similar sensation to nibbling a nipple through a thin bra.
  • Add a finger. Lorals are so stretchy that you can penetrate the material with a finger or tongue. The combination of fingers and a tongue can be delicious.
  • Discover rimming (stimulating the anus with the tongue). There are many people who think this is fantastic. You may have to cross a threshold, but the anus is full of nerve endings. When you stimulate it, it gives a completely different sensation. Many people are hesitant to try this because they find it unhygienic or fear that they are not clean enough.
  • Lick up and down from the anus to the clitoris and back, over and over. This feels very nice but is hard to do without Lorals, because you don't want to transfer bacteria to the vagina. Lorals open the possibility for new moves like this. Do you think it's exciting or crazy, maybe you're embarrassed to ask your partner... just give it a chance. Lorals are just the way to make these forms of oral sex accessible!
  • Add extra flavor. Lorals have a very light vanilla scent and taste. Do you like to add more flavor during oral play? Then check out Love Play's Lickable Oil . Also nice to use without Lorals by the way ;).

Lorals panties latex underwear - intimate time

6. Pull out and discard

Lorals are disposable, so just pull them off when you're done and throw them away. You might find it exciting to tear open the panties after extensive oral foreplay (note this takes serious effort) for penetrative sex.

Do you still have questions after reading this manual? Reassure them via Whatsapp.

Also take a look at the website of the creator of Lorals:

Or check out our special Lorals page:

To the Lorals Page

2 Responses



July 05, 2022

Hoi Karin,

Dank voor je reactie en leuk dat je enthousiast bent over dit nieuwe product! Helaas zijn de Lorals nog niet officieel goedgekeurd als SOA preventie en mogen we het dus ook niet op die manier promoten. Op dit moment is er een aparte versie van Lorals goedgekeurd door de FDA in Amerika als SOA preventie middel, maar die goedkeuring is vooralsnog alleen geldig binnen de USA. Voor Europa komt er op termijn (hopelijk) ook goedkeuring door de EMA (European Medicines Agency) en kunnen we deze versie hier ook verkopen. Zodra er nieuws is op dit gebied laten we het uiteraard weten!

Groet, Els

Karin Schuurman

Karin Schuurman

July 05, 2022

Dag Els,

Ik heb je stand bezocht tijdens het NVVS congres op 11 juni en zag het mooie latexbroekje.
Op je website (die er ook geweldig uitziet!) mis ik bij de info over dit broekje dat het ook gebruikt kan worden ter voorkoming van een Soa. Dat vind ik een echte meerwaarde. Want met dit broekje hoeft er geen beflapje (onhandig) meer gebruikt te worden ter voorkoming van een Soa (als je nog niet weet of de ander mogelijk iets onder de leden heeft, als er nog niet getest is). Dus ik zou dit pluspunt er wel bij vermelden.

Hartelijke groet, Karin Schuurman

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